55 / 3
6th May 2022
6th May 2022
some of the particles escape and i don't know why help
easter nascar cars hotwheels jesus july fireworks santa bunny house


  • Bluesix
    17th Jun 2022
    Hey can you make the laser to 50 for a short laser sword?
  • GameTuT
    13th May 2022
    Cool but in terms of utility isnt that good
  • -_
    9th May 2022
    The PHOT that doesn't escape has a starting LIFE of 100
  • -_
    9th May 2022
    The PHOT has a long Life value (starts at 680), causing it to last longer than NEUT
  • -DupstepKing-
    9th May 2022
    blob display. just do it
  • 6nop6nop
    9th May 2022
    thanks i'll try that
  • usapiinosakura
    9th May 2022
    Actually, one of my suggestions is to put both VSNS and LSNS near PCLN (1 pixel away from it, so it won't touch PSCN/NSCN). This will allow you to avoid all that update order magics ^^
  • usapiinosakura
    9th May 2022
    But to explain in depth - Imagine you have: PHOT with ID 1, LSNS with ID 2 and another PHOT with ID 3 is in front of PHOT with ID 1. So, what happens next - PHOT with ID 1 moves /on top/ of the PHOT with ID 3, effectively hiding it. LSNS scans surroundings and applies changes to PHOT with ID 1. Only then PHOT with ID 3 comes from underneath of PHOT with ID 1. Causing the PHOT with ID 3 die later than you wanted it to be.
  • usapiinosakura
    9th May 2022
    @6nop6nop, I like those sabers! That's really nice concept! But to answer your question of some photons escaping... That's a bit difficult answer. It's all tied up with the particle ID and how frame update mechanics work in TPT... Simply speaking, it's a problem that isn't an easy problem to deal with. You'd need to somehow ensure particle order. Pretty much >.<
  • Sandboxvoid
    8th May 2022
    NaroMatthew: He also used VSNS to slow the photons down.