218 / 5
26th Apr 2022
9th May 2022
This is by far my most advanced and largest modular factory ive ever built. During the process of building I also added some new pipe designs to the roster including overflow gates and inline sorters
exot alchemy modular modfactory factory


  • miner_sd
    1st May 2022
    @cpullen53484 the pipes are all output, most of them just get rid of byproducts and waste, but the one on the right is the EXOT output.
  • good_bacon
    1st May 2022
    cpullen53484: bro need to wait for exot cuz you get only 5 parts of exot every 40 or 30 seconds
  • crookedhatz
    1st May 2022
    cuz nothing comes out
  • crookedhatz
    1st May 2022
    whats the second inward pipe on the bottom left for?
  • miner_sd
    1st May 2022
    also redid the heat management system on the BREL chamber so the platinum conductors should melt less now
  • miner_sd
    1st May 2022
    replaced the BREL chamber with a double size module so it should work more reliably and have a higher production rate
  • megashinyarceus
    30th Apr 2022
    cool +1
  • miner_sd
    30th Apr 2022
    @FanEnjoyer i am in fact studying mechanical engineering! but i built most of these modules when i was in high school
  • CCl2F2
    30th Apr 2022
    Also tmp1 PLNT dupes itself infinitely while around WOOD so you don't have to use that precious water
  • CCl2F2
    30th Apr 2022
    Funnily enough, about 2 days before it was created, I had conversation with someone on TPT's Discord and it was like `STNE to molten ROCK to GOLD/TTAN and BRMT to BMTL requires COAL to mix with molten STNE to form SLCN melt SLCN and mix with molten BMTL to create molten PSCN and NSCN EMP both to get BREL catalyze BREL with PTNM at more than 50 pressure and 1000C to form EXOT, mix with molten GOLD/TTAN to get molten VIBR`