A large nuclear bunker with pressure activated shields. The new shield deployment method is 7 times faster. Upgraded armor now able to withstand 82 megatons of TnT. Now with soap.
Made a bomb which is a hybrid azure-TPT Ultimata Dark Fire-Anti-Hydrogen, destroyed it instantly, insides got flamed, then the dark fire destroyed what was left
it was supposed to do it continously but it broke
not realy because all your doing is having the lightning go through the walls
is this considered beating it id:3061395
Yea the lightning in some bombs tends to go through walls and you can stop it with normal materials
I beat it? my description explains a bit in id:3061105
3051378 beats it, use some kind of merc to stop azures
take notes. ID:2708605
I upgraded the shield deployment speed by a lot
beated it whit id:2919480