Oh noes you said the v-word!!1!!!!1!!
You're not bothering or annoying at all, everyone needs some help sometimes :3
OK... Sure, I'm open for talking, but I would prefer PMs for that :3
sorry if im bothering but i just wanna talk
but its 1000 times worse when your insulted by family
JozeffTech: you would understand probably cuz you get a lot of hate on your saves cuz of who you are
to the point i dont care anymore i mean i am called annoying, an idiot ect. a ton and even by my own parents
JozeffTech: ive been called a lot of stuff my whole life
JozeffTech: ik its wierd saying that here but i just wanna talk and you seem like a cool dude
JozeffTech: honestly the last couple of months i just feel worthless
JozeffTech: Id:2877631 rate