8 / 0
23rd Feb 2022
16th September
Decided to comeback to this save and made a smaller in dimension and 8 pixels less version, still 30hz tho. now 60hz :D
electronic adder fast electric electricity logic gates


  • R4WLYX
    11th Jul 2023
    Ah nevermind, i found out they do nothing, i do have a question. So those sub work like this, 1010 sub 0011 would equal 1000?
  • R4WLYX
    11th Jul 2023
    Also, if i may ask how does the not filt's ctype effect it?
  • R4WLYX
    11th Jul 2023
    Ah that help so much, thank you, i thought it was like shift by the filt's ctype
  • Jerehmia
    7th Jul 2023
    If you need a demonstration let me know.
  • Jerehmia
    6th Jul 2023
    Set FILT tmp to 10 for left shift or 11 for right shift, FILT ctype determines by how many bits is shifted as follows: the lowest *set* bit in the ctype determines the shift. A ctype with the 0-bit set (value 1) shifts by 0 bits, a ctype with the 0-bit cleared but the 1-bit set (value 2) shifts by 1 bit, a ctype with the 0-bit and 1-bit cleared but the 2-bit set (value 4) shifts by 2 bits, a ctype with the 0-bit, 1-bit and 2-bit cleard but the 3-bit set (value 8) shifts by 3 bits, etc.
  • R4WLYX
    6th Jul 2023
    @Jerehmia could you help me? i made this last year and want to get back to subframe but i don't quite know how variable red shift works
  • TheCombustionChamber
    2nd Mar 2022
    Nice I wish I could understand. +1
  • Jerehmia
    23rd Feb 2022
    Sorry I misspelled your name.
  • Jerehmia
    23rd Feb 2022
    @RAWLYX: I wish I could give this another +1, I didn't know about this increment algorithm. It's relatively easy to get this to 60Hz, id:2864292 hope it's useful to you.
  • Jerehmia
    23rd Feb 2022
    Very nice +1. Tip: if you set the life property of your ARAYs to 1 you don't need to clear the BRAYs they produce, they'll be gone in the next frame all by themselves. This would iliminate the need for eraser DRAYs in your design. (You can set life to 2 if you need them around for 2 frames wiith 30Hz).