8 / 0
23rd Feb 2022
16th September
Decided to comeback to this save and made a smaller in dimension and 8 pixels less version, still 30hz tho. now 60hz :D
electronic adder fast electric electricity logic gates


  • R4WLYX
    9th July
    @Jerehmia thanks for helping me last year, finally got back to it and fixed it, now it's 60hz
  • R4WLYX
    18th Jul 2023
    ah thanks, i'll try making that next
  • Jerehmia
    17th Jul 2023
    "-2 << ctz(number) ^ number" is the full two's complement algorithm, I forgot the "^ number" in my previous post, sorry for that.
  • Jerehmia
    17th Jul 2023
    The -2 << ctz(number) is a fast two's complement algorithm that computes the negative of a number. Because the two's complement is equal to flipping the bits and adding 1 you can use it to build fast incrementors and decrementors. If you flip the bits before the -2 << ctz(number) you get an incrementor like in your save, if you flip the bits after the -2 << ctz(number) you get a decrementor. id:2999520 has (non-subframed) examples.
  • R4WLYX
    17th Jul 2023
    I got the simulation for this incrementor working thanks
  • R4WLYX
    17th Jul 2023
    So this helps alot, thank you
  • R4WLYX
    17th Jul 2023
    Yes i am a programmer, i was trying to make a simulator for it
  • Jerehmia
    14th Jul 2023
    If you're a programmer: technically the variable shifts do a ctz() function on the ctype and shift by the result. ctz() stands for Count Trailing Zeroes.
  • Jerehmia
    14th Jul 2023
    Yes, 0x3FFFFFFE <<< 0x1FFFFFFF = 0x3FFFFFFE, because the lowest set bit of the ctype (0x1FFFFFFF) is the 0-bit the shift is by 0 bits. 0x3FFFFFFE <<< 0x1FFFFFFE = 0x3FFFFFFC, because the lowest set bit of the ctype (0x1FFFFFFE) is the 1-bit so the shift is by 1 bit. Only *the lowest set bit* in the ctype is of importance, higher set bits are ignored.
  • R4WLYX
    11th Jul 2023
    Wait actually i have some questions about the variable red shift as 0x3FFFFFFE <<< 0x1FFFFFFF = 0x3FFFFFFE. Does this mean that it only shifts if the first set bit of the filt's ctype is also set for the bray's ctype?