12th Feb 2022
13th Jul 2023
Elements used:CO2.Gel.The Save Has Been Updated So No More Complaining
YCY: FP isn't a sign of quality. its a sign of popularity.
+1 Looks cool!
How did this get on fp???? its not high quality.
samisong: you might get banned
@samisong, Dude I just think people are wholely entitled to their opinions. I don't care what you do.
R33sesK1ng: YCY: IEATDIRT: guys should we protest this again?? i guess putting this save as an bad one on an meme is an bad idea
if they didn't like the save, it means that they'd rather not have seen the save in the first place, let alone on FP.
@jacob1, by that logic there would be no use in complaining about anything. what reason could somebody possibly have for downvoting a save and giving negative criticism using the comment section if they didn't want to have seen it on FP? everyone is entitled to their upvotes, and some quick upvotes is why it got to FP, but the consensus thereof doesn't magically make criticism about the save go away.
anyway this save dont deserve fp anymore
i have an feeling that another war happend in the next day