I can beat this many ways: 1 pixel of CONV (WARP), id:2943280, id:2946672, and several other things in id:2936282 (probably including two of the azure bombs (Upended-Xeno and Alitz MK 4), one PSTN shredder, four CONV bombs, and I believe the BCLN bomb, though it takes a long time). This definitely been beaten now! (I hope all my ids are good too.) I know of another way to do it too, but I don't have it ready.
(The original bomb uses SNOW(SING) but you can remove it and it will work just as well)
Break open the core with id:2896836, then just use any azure to finish it off (the one provided works very well)
2853887 i beat the first layers with dest and a few of my azures then i beat the rest by spamming thunder and dest