An incredibly small semiconductor adder, suitable for any kind of electronic equipment! Possibly the smallest on TPT, say if you know smaller. Now with bonus full adder!
maybe i could make my own half adder
i tested the half adder with different calculations at 6 times per second and it takes time for the semiconductors to change
CRAY makes it more compact and speeds it up.
If you were talking about the single unit, which scheme is given, then yes, it can make 6 additions per second. That's what I mean.
does the CRAY help speed it up?
@JozeffTech wdym?
ive played with semiconductor and gates before and one of the problems i have with them is that the semiconductors cant change instantly. for example if you have a semi-c. and gate and both inputs are on, then you turn off the semi-c. controlling input, it will still output a signal for a bit of time.
It can, if you mean the 1-bit unit.
but can it do 6 additions per second?
Well, if you cut the out, it will act as AND gate, but it would be significantly slower than normal AND.