'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.' Newton's Third Law of Motion.
Tamsih: 1: you and LeadermanRHTS are the only ones that care. 2: approx. 7750 cubic light years for Astrotauri, 10800 for Interceptors, 6500 for assorted Titan-class, 1000 for assorted Capital-class
also,im not your only enemy in this war. look at the nations that form the aliance.
and now the question,how much cubic lightjears cann your schips cover?
yes. thats what i meant.
Tamsih: 'kubical' is also not a unit of measurement. i assume you mean 'cubic' in which case yes
and i have probably Spieler that wrong as well,havent i?
kubical. im terible at spelling.
Tamsih: you can't even measure something, how sad
Tamsih: 'qubical' is not a unit of measurement