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Sikeovateas: No i meant bite of 83. there where two such incidents. one is the bitte of 83,and the other the bite of 87.
You can make a "repeating chip" aka a "clock" with just five particles that can pulse any frequency from once every 8 frames (same as BTRY) to once every 9700+ frames: use a DLAY, put a NSCN diagonally next to it to catch its electrical output and use two METL to feed it back into a PSCN spaced one pixel from the DLAY. Set the DLAY temperature with the PROP tool to determine the speed and spark the METL to start the clock. The result should look like a 4 pixel high O with one pixel missing.
why the hell is this on FP lmao
bite of 87/
f a t (too short)
Its time for the bitte of 83. and for william to get to work.