10 / 29
26th Dec 2021
28th Dec 2021
When someone put "getoutside" tag on one of my saves, I thought it would be an amazing idea for Andromeda to take a picture outside. Also my first try on detailing colouring. Enjoy!~ DISCLAIMER: I don't have foot fetish
shirtlessinsnow winter cold goobjob vixen furries foxes andromeda cute


  • StabbyMcFishFace
    27th Dec 2021
    In other words, second class citizens, and an eventual Armageddon.
  • StabbyMcFishFace
    27th Dec 2021
    At any rate, yeah, you're doing pretty good! I would try and make a story that focuses on the ethicality of the experiments that led to these hybrids. I'd paint them in a sympathetic, cold light. I've got some hybrids in a steampunk book I've been plotting out for a few years now, which are commercially sold, until they revolt. These things are in a gray area, and higher offices are free to do as they want.
  • StabbyMcFishFace
    27th Dec 2021
    I write fantasy in my spare time, and I've always found Orc representation to be borderline racist, or steryopical. I'm kinda seeing some of that here lol. At any rate, it's your story, not mine.
  • StabbyMcFishFace
    27th Dec 2021
    Also, I think the casts should mix a bit more, with hares and whatever intermingling, because species rivalries always bug me. A nation and a species are not equivalent.
  • StabbyMcFishFace
    27th Dec 2021
    It was certainly interesting, and I thought a couple parts were pretty good. The lore isn't quite clear though.
  • JozeffTech
    27th Dec 2021
    Thanks! Did you like it?
  • StabbyMcFishFace
    27th Dec 2021
    Also, I read Geneva for you. It's certainly unique.
  • StabbyMcFishFace
    27th Dec 2021
    Humans are rather destructive. Weak creatures, when they seize power, are often cruel masters.
  • JozeffTech
    27th Dec 2021
    Update: texture enhancement experiments
  • JozeffTech
    27th Dec 2021
    If so, you're my ideological enemy.