First large-scale U.S. orbital rocket, Saturn I and IB paved the way for super-heavy Saturn V as well as launching Skylab crews and Soyuz-Apollo, which didn't require a larger rocket
@Laminat09 I am remembered :))
Can you try to make the orion spacecraft? (the one with the nuclear propulsion system)
@Lansea wow you're alive
very nice +1
Yeah, Saturn I was briefly considered for Dyna-Soar, but the USAF didn't like it on a rocket that was NASA's and not theirs, iirc
@GusToTheMoon there was a picture of it on astronautix, don't know much more tbh
I don't really read up much on the Saturn 1 & 1B, but was the DynaSoar on a Saturn 1 actually considered? I knew it was planned for the Titan II and Titan III/IV, but not the Saturn I/IB.
possibly frustration?
complications even
@Ahmed_Gaming problems?