This a city district in [DATA EXSPUNGED], it has it's own water well and purifer setup along with the electrolsis setup.
I have absolutely no clue!
Can they stand corruption by Khorne, Slannesh, Tzeentch, or even Nurgle?
Perhaps, yet they should not be underestmianted.
Basically, they are less technologically advaned, and rely more on their biological mind than a machine that can do it for you!
That's the point. Compared to the Ashen Blaze, the protoss would scream to death under a mass of ever-consuming machinery
reguardless, this is not about the cabablities of the protoss.
The Kala and void. psionics work differntly in the universe of SC2
The protoss haven't still scratched the surface of using psychic energy in more efficient ways.
They do not need the warp, and can commit genocide on a immese scale at their peak, and did on some occasions, even against there own!: My genocides always lead to, um... full extinction of the enemy.
They do not need the warp: psychic powers then?