The rules: id:2811687 (Read description) Project society is about simulating a society, anyone is free to join and can ask to join in the comments, upon joining you will get a "Profile page" where your credits, job and more will be stated, have fun!
A game? cool. What's the game?
@Bunborg you can join, it was reccomended to join the discord too but that is optional, it's also not possible because it's not allowed to put discord links in TPT
can I join? it depends if I have to join the discord
@Jadenf what
@connorhatescorn they allow you to start a research operation but will not give it a name yet.
No, No you will not.
ok ill contatact the site managers to start a research operation to name the fungus "Fungus Amongus" just for sh*ts and giggles
ANNOUNCEMENT: K1_2 Has decided to leave the game, his tile is now unclaimed.
however, it IS possible to contact the sector managers to ask if you could start scientific research there under supervision.