The rules: id:2811687 (Read description) Project society is about simulating a society, anyone is free to join and can ask to join in the comments, upon joining you will get a "Profile page" where your credits, job and more will be stated, have fun!
@7shotsolo Alright, you and @Redfrogcrab will start production of drones, it will also cost 1k to make each drone and take 4 weeks to make, and will sell for 3k, which will be split in two so each of you recieve 1,5k credits, so every person gets 1k profit.
so each drone costs 560 to make, and sells for 2k credits
for rich countries, cuz they are state-of-the-art.
okay, now do the same thing for all the game, now make Uavs
@Redfrogcrab and @7shotsolo the planes are complete and each of you have gained 1k credits.
made another tank design, gonna post the ID on discord,
Stop the current manufacture of the Rinhemetal Vafenturm 1.0
ignore that
can i join please
i designed a tank turret for sniping: ID:2815969