The other option is we take half your country by force, so this is the easy way off out of the P.W.B.A. for you.
i am talking to you. Not Canada_ball
Tamsih: canada_ball is literally a tiny speck compared to the bovine union
and If you want to sell metals,the Empire will pay very good.we Always need Materials of the Platinum group. and osmium.
lines. Not Linde.
Imagine flying a schip rigth in enemy Linde but they know If they schot you they are dead.
and the best thing is,you cann lease schips to. then they are owned by the empire and If somewone shots them a giant Army get's very interrested.
i cann only sell you non waponised schips. the Empire has strikt lass against that .it only means you have to put the wapons on later.
Tamsih: *interested
Tamsih: *ships, and also starships? HELL YEA!