This is a BETA PREVIEW of my Dice Roller V2. It is >50% smaller, modular, and no longer uses any walls! I also learned how to use INWR memory! 100% free to copy! This demo is an automatic Yahtzee Roller. Can you get a Yahtzee?
It's been over a year smh
Finally got around to updating this. No, I still did not fix the 7 bug. I just made a few changes, one to follow a rule... I'll let you guess what the rule is. I also replaced the first part of the randomizer with WATR just for testing purposes.
Update 3: I will probably replace the dirty randomizer with a brand new one. I am thinking of a distribution randomizer. More information to come in the future...
Update 2: Yeah, it's leading nowhere. Any idea what to do guys?
Update: Now I realize what the problem is: the randomizer has the tendency of sparking two outputs at once, though not what like my other account's "fortune teller" did. I might just have to rebuild the randomizer from the ground up. More information to follow...
Known Bug: It is sometimes possible to roll a 7. This is an unintended side effect of using such a new memory. Any suggestions to fix?