Due to limited description space, information about the collossus class is in this save: id:2806664
And also, again PLEASE don't comment about all that on this save, comment on a different save like id:2758239 just comment on a save actually about the republic, i would like to keep this comments area for feedback on the ship.
@samisong we will send some help to rebuild the HQ and we will send resources to factories to resume production of the most important products.
factories will run on current resources until it run out
Rubidianlabs: !!ALERT!! samisong HQ has been caught on fire the source was an printer in the electronic lab sector someone put explosive in the printer samisong product may dissapear from shelfs
@connorhatescorn our currency is Rubidian Credits, also when you make something for us inform me about it in one of the saves actually specifically about the rubidian republic please.
i will sell them for (whats your currency again? i forgot)
hello rubidian i would like you to add my engine id:2850168 since the current one is... disappointing
i just added the inform system that you prefered
@samisong nice, i would prefer if you informed me of that in the info or creations save.
and soda pill