I HAVE FINNALLY FINISHED!!! DONT COPY!!! I might do a few TINY updates in the future, but this will be the one reactor and heat exchange designs I will stay with.
it doesn't conduct heat, when loading the save the WIFI's TEMP is slightly changed
Unless the last update broke things.
@Mr_Tomahawk8432 Wifi doesn't conduct heat. Theirs no need to do that.
looks like its fixed
For example: I want a WIFI to be on channel 4 I will set its TEMP to "423.15" (AKA 150 degrees) this will allow slight TEMP changes to happen without the channel being changed! THANKS FOR READING!
Ok I'm pretty sure i've figured out whats wrong, so I use the property tool (TEMP) to set temps and TMPS of WIFI and PORT's and I would set the exact temp aka if I want a WIFE on channel four I'd set its TEMP with the PROP tool to "373.15" (AKA 100 degrees) and so that means if the temp were to go down by per say 0.01 degrees C it would change it's channel to three. The change iv'e made is that now the TEMP of all WIFI and PORT will be 50 degrees more than what it used to be.
ok I'll try and get it fixed
yeah it is
is it just me or do the buttons not work right? AKA the WIFI is messed up
thank you derpking