Mini house. Rooms: Attic, living room, Gaming Room, Gaming Room 2, Kitchen, Unused room. If you have any suggestions for the house, tell me (update #5;Happy Easter+: Added new Gaming room. minor deco change to living room.)
I keep getting late to (Cognitohazard)
I hate it when I have to swim through the blood of the awoken ones when I gotta go to work smh
New update coming soon!
Mason_Gaming: [!set type wood brck] does the job
MasonTheGamer45: add some air condioning unit
yeeterboi: The house may catch on fire, I'm changing materials soon anyway (brck)
meybe add some wiring and an eletrical pole outside
xXVeltelXx: Thank you!
This is cool tho!
if you can, the mabey a bedroom.