4. Work on the lighting and shading, as in the first picture, the sun is facing the front of the mountains and casting light on the forward side and making it dissipate to the back, something like this: ID:2775759. Sorry if it took too long to read. I wish jacob1 added paragraphs to make it easier.
Here's how you could improve upon your art save: 1. Remove the sign "thanking" for front page from your save, because people will potentially downvote it.. 2. Make the black lines less thicker, as i don't think that's how mountains should look like, but at least do some form separation. 3. Work on the terrain, because the mountains look too spiky, and they don't really look like that IRL, same goes for the rockiness.
BluBubblz:True, but heating metal to 'draw' would not be very effective unless it was something like burning things into wood or whatever.
Sandboxvoid: KenzieBoii: There's a difference between simply heating things to observe the change in color and actually melting things and putting them into a mold.
Sandboxvoid: The_TheoGaming104: what? i think he is jelouse
Xolotl: My dad used to do metalwork, he made sculptures and stuff by welding, the biggest project I believe was a T-rex skull, took him and his colleagues a long time to make.
wow this is my most succsesful save