20th Aug 2021
13th May 2022
A frozen earth with a great ridge,mines,a tavern,a forge and under land.The people are frozen so they are rime as no one could escape when the bridge fell.
Why are people downvoting?I`ve worked hard on it and are finished unless some one wants more.Just ask.
ok seems fair enough
May be tiny bit as it is ice.
can you grow some grass?
I`ll add some as they are mining in ice.
maybe add some ores to the mines
Thank you for the comment i am plesed with it.(:
ooh this is great! :) i love ice saves and saves with mines! it's just so frustrating trying to deal with it melting and/or the negative pressure it makes breaking stuff. Nice work. +1
I will work on it also thanks for feedback.
little too simple needs work...