A traction city I made that roams the edges of the Eastern Hunting Grounds in search of scrap from destroyed cities. It has extremely large tanks of oil making it volatile and long lasting.
TimeSan just get crackermod1000
I think you can make one out to anyone. Check it out.
how do I DM
the only time I visited the website is when I downloaded this
TPT website? DM?
On the TPT website you can DM me the ID (you could add a shape and things, I'll do finer details or something) And I'll send you my version and you can upload it.
so anyway I hope you come back to this save and see this someday, I will make a paused save where I'll work a bit on the house, when you come back I'll tell you the id
what about TPTMP v2?
sorry I kinda forgot about this,
Sure! but TPTMP dosen't work for me.