Part 6. This piece features the Spire, a tall curved building capabble survive any earthquake. It also features the Vooperia City Solar Field, or VCSF. Finally, there is a blimp above the VCSF broadcasting an important message.
I like that the blimb blows up, AND i'm a rebel. The haters are gonna hate.
disliking saves simply because it's connected to another save is dum
ik people hate vooperia but i make high quality saves
your awnser for why it has dislikes is bc ppl are tier of this war and saves like this only keep it going its not even a war its a childish argument over whos better
i destroyed this with my nuke
Everybody hates the voop
why does this have so many dislikes
although the bilimp is flammable, it wont be another hindenburg incident