Everyone can comment a single element and the Y and X coords where you want it to be, and i will add it. Press D for debug mode so you can see the coordinates on the Hud. Walls, stickmen, indestructable elements, bomb/dest and SING are not allowed.
@IEATDIRT after some testing i now consider BIZR to be banned and will remove it from the save, if you would like to pick something else, plese ask.
@murrooo you have already added thermite at X381 Y252, Would you like to remove that element and replace it with a new one?
@VRAPTOR102 actually i forgot to test it, and STOR is nearly unbreakable, please pick a different element
add proton x303 y153 [just under deut]
@elowoseco added!
@VRAPTOR102 added!
x 200 y 115 noble
Can i be .stor. X297 Y167?
@tori bizr, although it can be moved, it is nearly unbreakable and thus i cannot add it, please try a different element
@ae15 GOL elements are not allowed, please pick something else