Everyone can comment a single element and the Y and X coords where you want it to be, and i will add it. Press D for debug mode so you can see the coordinates on the Hud. Walls, stickmen, indestructable elements, bomb/dest and SING are not allowed.
@elowoseco your alement has been replaced.
X167 170Y prot
274x 150y grav
and if you want plasma you can also just ask for me to add that instead
@elowoseco you can move pixels, also sttickman is not allowed
i want remplace noble gas for molten stickman at 456 22 technally it isnt an stickman it just lava im aint right ?
can we move pixels ? to aother spots ?
i tried to make the noble turn into plasma and melt other pixels
@Techno_YT added!
make that y=70