27th Jul 2021
27th Jul 2021
AKA Deadly Star
@KettleCornYT I finished the ship, you owe 9100 bucks in vooperian currency ID:2757548
@JonaHungary INST doesn't break from temperature/pressure at all. But you can use BOMB for such deal. TPT has a great varieties of materials and stuff that is (un)able to damage it, imo TPT has a wide possibilities for writing a weapon tactics manual.
Emperor_of_Catkind wow they are effective, i wanna see a prot-deut bomb break inst
@KettleCornYT ok with the one thing is that the ship im making you will not be build for attacking, but "defense", it will be a Millitary Cargoship
I prefer old good PROT-DEUT torpedoes. Believe me, they are not less effective than... this. And less laggy. And can be launched in space battle, not exploded instantly.
What a laggy bomb.
@SpikeViper Cant forget the rest of the advanced vooperian technology, I mean come on why rebel when you can join and become part of such a civilization?
@Pexy Crystallite and its consequences have been an absolute glory for the human race. All hail the future of genetically modified humans and catgirls within megacities! Imagine rebelling against that.
@Got_Milk I accept your offer, however, you will be payed in rebel-dollars, $1RBD = ~0.20$