Try some of the following elements in the wall: SOAP, GEL, QRTZ with high tmp, MERC with high tmp, VIBR, BIZR, TTAN, INSL.
I couldnt get some of those things to destroy it, @hyunwoopi, like bomb and antimatter and some others. Are you trying each things on a new loadout or is it already damaged before you try the next thing?
Okay So there is a weakspot, I will fix it next update
not WARP proof , not AMTR proof , not SING proof , not ACID(many) proof , not CRAY proof , not THDR(many) proof , not BOMB(pushed to wall) proof , not DEST (pushed to wall) proof , not REPL proof , not PHOT(max temp) proof , not ELEC(max temp) proof , not PROT(max temp) proof , not GRVT(max temp) proof , not DEUT(max temp , life) proof (XD)