SamDwich: You really are very stupid, aren't you? The difference between us is that I clearly understand the terms I use, unlike you. You're merely trying to defend your friend, I can respect that, but I will not give you quarter for it. Part 1 of 2
Nondesc: And also, you are the one who brought up the term 'god complex', not me.
Nondescript: You sound no better than what you described me as, and this is my save and I don't want you here so as I said get you and your smartassed comment OUT
*and doing it with such a lack of understanding
SamDwich: I'd believe you if what you said actually made any sense. You're a clown, SamDwich, you attempt to sound authoritative but fail, because you lack any sort of nuanced understanding of the terms you use. How and where have I displayed any sort of "god complex"? Do you even know what a "god complex" is? This is what I'm talking about you with the lot of you, getting embroiled in things that have nothing to do with you, and doing it such a lack of understanding, it's pathetic.
Nondescript: I know full well what I'm talking about, now get you and your smartassed comment out of my save
Nondescript: I know full well what I'm talking about, now get your smartassee
God over everything, oh holy one please bless our crops and send rain.