If you want to join, please do! Violence against 1701 and the cows was an error on our parts, accept that, and become a Post-War Bovine Alliance member! UPDATE: Banned list for those guys who don't quite deserve a permaban but still need a ban.
lol bye
After a very brief excuse of a discussion between me and 1701, user Canada_Ball has been permanently banned from the boviniverse and has been removed
oh no not the cows their bodies are pretty much tanks
may i join?
Floofy: just ask
hi how do I joine
is this linked with the earth vooperian expansion save? or is it entirely different.
Thank you. I will now begin making tons of cow saves for the PWBA cause.
thecomputerguy: yes. moooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I would like to join becuase I love cows and peace and war.