If you want to join, please do! Violence against 1701 and the cows was an error on our parts, accept that, and become a Post-War Bovine Alliance member! UPDATE: Banned list for those guys who don't quite deserve a permaban but still need a ban.
Duck69: i got '6: ... Amazing ...' on the bomb tester using the Azure Hydrangea
Eyaddorda: i think its still worse than my 4,6k part bomb XDDDDDDDD
that was a prototype
duck69 i made a new one lmao
Eyaddorda: lmfao that is so big and bad
SamDwich: now try your azure ones
Duck69: ok?
mmmmmmm my 5 element bombs sucks the life out of konsole's bomb tester
Eyaddorda: i might get you a new bed so you can continue dreaming about your trash bomb being stronger than this
Eyaddorda: you really think that your garbage is strong? pathetic.