If you want to join, please do! Violence against 1701 and the cows was an error on our parts, accept that, and become a Post-War Bovine Alliance member! UPDATE: Banned list for those guys who don't quite deserve a permaban but still need a ban.
I would join but I can not because I can't make any saves too contribute. Even though I have my password and username it won't work. Is there a server password I need ?
SamDwich: Do you want me to join and make a supply of futuristic moo tanks or be still a enemy cause i built some and they are strong
SamDwich: I have always wondered since the RU Vs PWBA war started: If I was a small enemy at the time, why didnt you focus on bigger enemies first? The RU is still small, but has some overpowered weaponry: Which we didnt even have at the time. How did you know the conflict would escalate this far?
MakNCheems: ok
yes, I do
MakNCheems: i'm infering that you want to join
MakNCheems: you can join anytime
Are member applications still available?
SamDwich: i got through but all 3 of your azures combined are better than mine bomb