If you want to join, please do! Violence against 1701 and the cows was an error on our parts, accept that, and become a Post-War Bovine Alliance member! UPDATE: Banned list for those guys who don't quite deserve a permaban but still need a ban.
1701: done lol
hey i think im in the pwba can u enter in my name pls?
Also, the tagline uses the Bold font now instead f the Big/Title font
Also, I fixed SlavBoi's name incorrectly in diamond in the corner of the members list
wait why tf did i say Post-War Cow Alliance if the faction is called the Post-War Bovine Alliance
Help! id:2779936
also can I join lol
I hate them rebels
Look at these poeple lol id:2794339
ExplosiveGuy1: The GCG and 1701 are trusted, safe users, and are allies.