Duck69 we will kill all grvt cows together
SamDwich: you are xXsandglassasssamdwichgaymeisgaypeoplesexshitbagXx
Duck69: ok, you're xXdumbDUCK69shitbagXx
SamDwich? more like xXdumbsandwichshitbagXx
TimeSan: ez
I say the war isn't over till duck69 and VIPERGAMEZ give in. So the war is on. I shall bring proton cows to their knees.
Duck69, more like F*Off69
*gcg leader cries* PLISE SHTIOP MOIKIANG aNtICow BoVvMBs -23213763129712391827312890369420
Duck69: ooooohhhh 1701 get rekt
1701: (makes a save cows preparing for battle) Was it even a joke?
Duck69: oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (DAB)