A 2px thick 4ch wire. Use NSCN to input to NTCT and PTCT and PSCN to output. Use PSCN to input to INWR and NSCN to output. Use METL for METL on both input and output
Tags: dream, geometrydash
It's a cool idea, but it's a [:|||:] ;)
I made this exact thing, but never published it
Wow I like it a lot!
MadScientist14 Thanks for correcting me, I did not know that.
These are cool, not new though. i did one back in november id:2603223. +1
this type of wire is very useful for making batteries
wow, i only managed 2 channels. good job creating this +1
Masssacrace: it have some delay, in simple multiplexer with ptct-ntct based logic elements its badly, you need put sprk in same time for normally results, you can place compensators (just pices of wire)