4 / 4
30th May 2021
16th Dec 2021
This took me 3 hours to make, so please give some suggestions on how to improve it. The laser's PHOT emmision is very intermittent, so you'll have to hold the trigger down for a while for it to fire. I have no idea how to fix that..


  • Furry_02
    22nd Dec 2021
    Gauss48: It's a proof of concept more than it is a working design. I think the main problem is that the outlet from the PHOT tank is too small and/or the way it's outputting it is inefficent.
  • Gauss48
    16th Dec 2021
    Done neatly and at first glance it may seem that it should work. But it doesn't work. Even if it's just art, it's terrible.
  • Furry_02
    28th Sep 2021
    Omenaplayer: As I said, I have no clue how to do that.
  • Omen4stako
    26th Sep 2021
    try to make the process of producting photons faster