100 / 6
20th May 2021
23rd May 2021
tryed to achieve high pressure, but not have the bomb take up half the screen. enjoy :) Free to copy, with credit. v.3
fusion nuke bomb realistic disisatag mewhenifart


  • Vampireax
    21st May 2021
    The subways intersect at X:205 and X:406 every time. The bomb does not stop the public transportation. Not acid rain, nor nuclear snow. Not mushroom clouds, nor quaking earth. Not molten soil, nor mutant attack. The public transportation endures.
  • Beatless123
    21st May 2021
    chanman176, the bomb is actually very strong for its small size.
  • Laminat09
    21st May 2021
    @Wasteland and then you find out that downvoter's own artistic capability be like:"infinite elcetricity"
  • Believeitornot
    21st May 2021
    @wasteland ok, now i understand
  • peacefrog
    21st May 2021
    I just feel anoyed when I get downvoted because hardly anyone has a good reason and says it.
  • FoxieFoxie
    21st May 2021
    @Wasteland that is basically me too!. but im calmer like why or what..... when I saw a downvote I just don't care i just wait till theres an Upvote.... ik this is pretty stupid.....
  • Wasteland
    21st May 2021
    @Believeitornot i take effort to make my saves, if someone downvotes it id be a bit sad, but if someone downvotes AND also types in a pretty stupid reason to do so i really dont like that.
  • Wasteland
    21st May 2021
    @chanman176 I used very smart and thought out cristisism like you did, if you critisise someone's work you better have a good reason.
  • Believeitornot
    21st May 2021
  • Believeitornot
    21st May 2021
    @chanman176 it doesnt make sense to downvote someone because their bomb isnt enough to destroy ur things, but @wasteland is also being a little unreasonable be cause it was only one downvote.