14th Mar 2021
13th Apr 2022
Let me know how your bombs do!. Here's some bombs you can use. id:2694247
ive found even the smallest amount of high temp warp will break it
broken, id:2883542. high tmp merc is always annoying but fortunately a big enough azure bomb can get through
Easier than i expected
Try high life warp plus high life gbmb you can do this with !set life warp 99999 and !set life gbmb 99999.
I was so close! if the Instalation wasn't there I would've broken throgh!
survived S.H.A.R.D pat on the back buddy id:2825239 +1
much better
proof lol id:2822290
id:2822289 that also does the trick
just a temp merc cooler to fill the wall. and no amount of emp will save the wall from that bomb lol