141 / 31
8th Apr 2011
26th Sep 2011
Semi-automatic, liquid-fueled two-stage rocket. I re-saved it under a different name: 'Realistic Two-Stage Rocket' (without the "v1" suffix.) Full directions are included in the new save.
two-stage try-fire-display realistic rocket liquid-fuel payloads semi-automatic


  • william54321
    10th Apr 2011
    WAIT I just manegd to fix my nozel. forget about my second coment
  • william54321
    10th Apr 2011
    NOOO I gust manegd to fix my nozel. foget about my second coment
  • william54321
    10th Apr 2011
    Sory the first nozel didn`t work and I cant fix it. No nozel
  • william54321
    10th Apr 2011
    I hav made a nozle for your roket. It will explode wen you selfdestruct. Serch nozle
  • cctvdude99
    10th Apr 2011
    Then the fire won't be able to get out at all. -_-
  • MK3424
    10th Apr 2011
    Replace the fans with white holes: they push particles away
  • PowderJ
    10th Apr 2011
    (cont) I appreciate the positive feedback and all, but soon enough someone's going to get upset because I have "duplicate" saves. So to clarify, please vote for the other one, not this.)
  • PowderJ
    10th Apr 2011
    Just so you know, when I was telling everyone about the new save, I was trying to give the message that you should all use that one (ie please vote that one up, not this)
  • PowderJ
    10th Apr 2011
    Feel free to post suggestions for payloads. So far what I have are: nuclear warhead, stickman capsule and powder cargoes (eg BRMT, BGLA).
  • PowderJ
    10th Apr 2011
    cctv: I try my best to avoid using walls as I find them to be unrealistic. I actually only used the fan because I had no choice, and the fire would just clog the thing completely.