I'm going to publish more tutorials if this one gets interest.
The ctype property can be used to set a color: FILT and PHOT colors are set by the ctype
Mollases: I'd assume because other elements don't have specialized processes for melting into their ctype like the water variants do. It would make sense for the ICE and SNOW to have this to keep track of the proper water to melt into. For your second comment: likely because the melting point is inherent to the element, not its ctype. Keep in mind this is all just theorization, though.
because ctype an ambigious variable, different elements use it in different ways. CLNE uses it to remember what it's supposed to be cloning, CONV uses it to remember what it's supposed to convert things into, etc
and why doesnt its ctype define its melting point, etc.:
why does the ctype determine what ice melts into but not other solids like bmtl but its ctype is ttan why doesnt it melt into ttan?
is* .
that's correct
The same thing happens with LAVA as it solidifies: its ctype determines what it solidifies into.
I'm glad youre doing this. The community needs this, and I'd like to see more frmo you. +1
Shoutout to user:CrustyBunz for the tpt font keyboard