7 / 0
4th Feb 2021
8th Feb 2021
It's been over a year already? Oops. Well, have this random crap I've been working on for the last few days. Had to relearn some of the FILT-logic stuff since it's been a while, but I think I got the hang of it.
logic filt adder electronics


  • Scien_Tific
    6th Apr 2021
    I mean, techincally it does work differently than a conventional full adder, but really the only thing that matters with any kind of component is what it produces with certain given inputs. This gives the same result as a regular full adder would with the same inputs, so it doesn't really get any fuller than that. Unless my own understanding of what a full adder is and does is incorrect.
  • RaconTPT
    4th Apr 2021
    you used time instead of space to fit in the adder +1. also isnt this still a half adder? i feel like this works differently from a full adder some how.
  • Scien_Tific
    8th Feb 2021
    Yup, the small scale is achieved by using a half-adder design that loops into itself, effectively "simulating" a longer circuit. The downside is that it's much slower than a more conventional design.
  • ArseniyPlotnikov2k6
    8th Feb 2021
    Is the adder only that small thing on top? Thats awesome! I've only managed to make a bulky 8-bit FILT adder that takes about a second to add 2 numbers together