64 / 5
26th Dec 2020
29th Dec 2020
A 64 kiloword* (1w = 29 bits) FILT RAM(memory). Has a 16-bit (2 byte) adress and can store up to 1900544 bits (65536 FILT bytes/words). Completely unnecessary, but i think this is the largest RAM in TPT, though im not sure.
computer electronic kilobyte memory electronics electric


  • Epiclark
    29th Dec 2020
    that's a THICC memory chip. maybe you or someone else could make a thiccer RAM by stacking multiple FILTs on top of each other somehow? in theory you could get ~640kword (>1mbyte) memories in a save by stacking particles
  • MrPineapple
    28th Dec 2020
    @TrueF I meant that while this is RAM, the Saturn V only had a little more in ROM. I wasn't saying ROM was RAM.
  • ArseniyPlotnikov2k6
    28th Dec 2020
    ye, i was thinking about that but when publishing i forgot about that
  • blane1257
    28th Dec 2020
    since filt stores more than 8 bits of data per particle, the use of the word byte is misleading, i would say this stores 64 kilowords, not kilobytes ("word" referring to the unit of data any arbitrary system uses). this can actually store the equivelent of 237.5 kilobytes, or just over a quarter of a megabyte
  • TrueF
    28th Dec 2020
    @MrPinapple this is RAM not ROM bruh
  • NYANCAT953
    28th Dec 2020
    Lots of efforts
  • tylermg
    28th Dec 2020
    and i thought my quad memory that had 256 bits was alot
  • MrPineapple
    28th Dec 2020
    The Saturn V only had a little more memory than this of ROM
  • goldfoilbot
    27th Dec 2020
    2080 and we're gonna be running windows 7 on tpt computer as a substitute to virtual machines
  • Killaship2
    27th Dec 2020
    Imagine making a real PC with this. More than enough, to be honest. +1