somedtime, the simpler things can be the best
@ComeAsYouAre, sounds like somebody never made FP and it shows. Try making quality content and stop hating on others. @KOKICHIPAI keep it up bud +1
its not my fault it went on fp
damn sorry i didnt even mean to make it on fp calm down dude
with "anyone can make it" i mean the save
This message I wrote is to all the users of TPT.
@NuclearMind said:"There's nothing scpecial about it! Why this worthless things get so popular while the useful thing like microchips, ram, nuclear reactors are not gaining population! What is this mess? The powder toy just really messed up in these recent moths!why powder toy people just sees particles spin and they are like: -Wow that's cool. And when they see complex supercomputermachines they're like: Ah, it's so boring" THESE WORDS ARE TRUE!!!ANYONE CAN MAKE THIS!!!