44 / 1
23rd Nov 2020
24th Nov 2020
WWI experimental tank design, one of the most unusual armored figting vehicles in history, thanks to its two giant wheels
russia worldwar worldwar1 destroyable worldwar3


  • Laminat09
    24th Nov 2020
    @GlebRussia2 "a gun with a large caliber" is rarely at an immediate disposal of frontline troops
  • GlebRussia2
    24th Nov 2020
    To knock out 10 tanks of this design, you will need a gun with large caliber and, accordingly, a range of fire. While remaining 9 will come to range of their guns, they will not have a sweet time. You can take a photo with an enemy trophy if the enemy infantry ran away after realizing that their superweapon had failed. Russia was not doing well without tanks, so best option was to send funds to support morale of army bursting at the seams, or just for ammunition, which was also not enough.
  • Laminat09
    24th Nov 2020
    @GlebRussia2 and when you knock out 1 tank out of 10, 9 other tanks now see where your cannons are and can effectively shoot back
  • Laminat09
    24th Nov 2020
    @GlebRussia2 Russia did quite well without any tanks at all (before all that commie stuff of course), so the machine wouldn't hurt. Also any tank should be used in a situation that actually suits the use of tanks and with support of other branches like infantry. If you put a lone tank in a mountain swamp with no infantry support against enemy artillery battery then sure, it would fail. Enemy troops won't pose near your destroyed tank if they have to deal with your infantry
  • GlebRussia2
    24th Nov 2020
    Tens of tons of iron, most powerful expensive engines, fuel and a dozen guns are definitely worth it to scare poor soldiers and cut through steppes like a boss. There is no way to distribute them more rationally.
  • GlebRussia2
    24th Nov 2020
    Quite a while - how long is it? The first month or two, with grief in half overcoming the soft ground, until he just does not knock out a spoke in the wheel and he stands in middle of the steppe. Then soldiers will gather around it and take pictures against background of trophy. Photo will get into the newspaper and raise morale of soldiers.
  • Laminat09
    24th Nov 2020
    @GlebRussia2 cavalry was vulnerable to small arms fire, and yet it was quite a factor on eastern front. To hit a tank with cannons, you should bring them to front defence line, where they were not necessary against infantry, so you have to have tanks in mind before the battle, which is not an option in case of a first encounter. Austrians and german would definitely learn to fight vehicles eventually, but before that the death tricycle would probably roll in the steppes for quite a while
  • Laminat09
    24th Nov 2020
    @GlebRussia2 it was tested in literal swamp.
  • RavenReverie
    24th Nov 2020
    Had fun encountering this beast in Toy Soliders ^v^
  • GlebRussia2
    24th Nov 2020
    Main thing is that this tank has 3 wheels, 2 of which are so large that it is absolutely impossible to miss them. Not only do they have the worst passability, but they are also fragile. Twin 250 strong engines-a lot of power at the time, did not help the cross-country ability and the tank was always stuck on tests. More powerful engines were out of the question, and it was madness to continue using this wheel arrangement. Tank of Rybinsk zavod is a normal persons tank.