74 / 15
22nd Nov 2020
22nd Nov 2020
Spark the Button to Start/stop the engine
rocket shuttle kerbal walls wall crude walll


  • CosmicAerospace
    27th Nov 2020
    well here Let me introduce you to the **RESTARTABLE** NK-21. Soviet engineers are like: "So how we start a rocket engine? Oh. just put a sparkplug in it I guess!"
  • Mac33299
    27th Nov 2020
    subtopewdiepie1: grid stuff, you mean that white grid thing?
  • Mac33299
    27th Nov 2020
    anomyous103: some liquid fuel engine can't be restarted, like for example the NK-15 used on the N-1 moon rocket. since the NK-15 uses a pyrotechnic valve that can only be used once and can't be closed once it is opened.
  • Mac33299
    27th Nov 2020
    I'm hoping to remaster this later on.
  • YoumuKonpaku
    26th Nov 2020
    very good but arent liquid fuel rocket engines suposed to be restartable?
  • subdeviant
    23rd Nov 2020
    love it. nice fuel delivery. no flash back.
  • CHouston
    23rd Nov 2020
    Well done! Just one suggestion It would be really cool if you could some how make a smaller version of this. But over all this is pretty lit! xD +1
  • subtopewdiepie1
    23rd Nov 2020
    also you can use FAN instead of that weird grid stuff
  • subtopewdiepie1
    23rd Nov 2020
    the conversion diversion nozzle looks kinda funny and the engine doesn't even need the turbopumps 0+
  • CosmicAerospace
    23rd Nov 2020
    Very good engine there! Only if turbines are a thing in powder toy. I disapprove the game's fluid-dynamics, and physics, ofc. but I love how you tried hard to make it look like it's open cycle. You should definitely do more things like this!