Spark the Button to Start/stop the engine
well here Let me introduce you to the **RESTARTABLE** NK-21. Soviet engineers are like: "So how we start a rocket engine? Oh. just put a sparkplug in it I guess!"
subtopewdiepie1: grid stuff, you mean that white grid thing?
anomyous103: some liquid fuel engine can't be restarted, like for example the NK-15 used on the N-1 moon rocket. since the NK-15 uses a pyrotechnic valve that can only be used once and can't be closed once it is opened.
I'm hoping to remaster this later on.
very good but arent liquid fuel rocket engines suposed to be restartable?
love it. nice fuel delivery. no flash back.
Well done! Just one suggestion It would be really cool if you could some how make a smaller version of this. But over all this is pretty lit! xD +1
also you can use FAN instead of that weird grid stuff
the conversion diversion nozzle looks kinda funny and the engine doesn't even need the turbopumps 0+
Very good engine there! Only if turbines are a thing in powder toy. I disapprove the game's fluid-dynamics, and physics, ofc. but I love how you tried hard to make it look like it's open cycle. You should definitely do more things like this!