it appears that there is no oxidizer going to the preburner. and the preburner should be operating a turbine. good though
could you make a close cycle oxygen rich engine
I'd recommend using DESLOX instead of OILLOX. Not it's Hypergolic but also better in general
@CosmicAerospace By ground sparklers, you mean like those thing seen during a space shuttle launch? if you didn't know those are not for engine ignition.
Oh also laser ignitors have become popular too
@TheRocketScientest You an actual aerospace engineer? What kind of rockets have you worked on? I'm working on an RP1 & HTP one myself
@CosmicAerospace The Spark Plug And Hypergolic Propelents, are the main ways of starting an engine, all of my latest engines use spark plugs.
The only few rocket engines that I know that can restart as a lower stage engine are either the space X engines (raptor and merlin) since they will need to land the booster, the RS-25 (Space Shuttle Main Engine, which basically is also a vacuum optimized engine), and lastly the superior Soviet rocket engineers that decided to put a sparkplug into a rocket engine creating the NK-21's starting system.
Only vacuum engines are truly restartable, for example, the Apollo service module's engine have a whopping 47 restarts! Just to make sure that nobody gets stuck in space. And for lower stage engines those are never considered, for example, the F1 rocket engien that used TEBTEA to start, does not have enough to do a re-ignition.
To be honest though, most rocket engines are not restartable. they either need some help on the ignition (electrical ignition systems, ground sparklers, etc.), or simply do not have the pyrogolic/hypergolif propellants to restart the engine!