Deco on for 3D tube illusion. The slight distortion you can see is caused by removing seams with not so good of a method ):
@kyyay HOW btw is spu7nix's level in Geometry Dash, that features this effect (+3d)
serh schoen
i guess its too wide for that idea but you could make a smaller version like that
also why not just use portals and hide them with black deco to loop it properly
did you learn from HOW
Yeah. The tricky part is merging the prot and grvt part togheter without destroying parts of each half. Ctrl C ctrl V isnt enough (;
The way that the creator made the 3d spinning tube illusion was by setting the vx of all elements to 0, vy of grvt -something, vy of prot is something.
+1 because there is "pl" in your name