Blooming city located in the U.A.R , has a lot of import, sometimes of the explosive variety. #PrayForLebanon
This is beirut port
i was at a vacation at lebanon, beirut i thinked israel just bombed lebanon.
The_Admiral: theres 1 thing I've learned from your last 3 comments and that was the tianjin explosion was puny
And the explosion in Beirut definitely wasn't small.
It wasn't an incident, it was a disaster. There's a difference between something that was big and something that was small.
you mean the incident 3 days ago?
There were 2700 metric tons of AN stored in the port, which equals 1.9kt. of TNT when it blew up, almost 2/3 the size of the Halifax explosion.
Aw i was too late with my one
the explosive thingies are so cool and the art is really cool too i really enjoy blowing em up 1+ +favorite and also downloaded to disk if sumthing
Wasteland i really love your content keep up the work!