So I found an aimage of this on google and I recreated it ALMOST pixil to pixil scale. I know some of you may not like TPT art but Its fun when you do do art and if you (hate) art your just ignoring all the effort i put into this. So enjoy and vote fair!
nah :)
I hope my point has been made.
I wanted a brutal MOBA Roguelike deckbuilder. I'm not gonna wait for someone to do it. I'M going to do it.
Also, if you want it that badly, then do it. Pour your life into creating the thing you dream of instead of idly hoping someone else will.
Meanwhile genetic engineering is pushing an identity upon a creature that doesn't even have a will of it's own yet. Read Frankenstein sometime.
In all reality, it could potentially end a lot of disputes more deeply engrained in our culture. If it were progressed to where it wasn't obvious you had gotten an alteration, then most problems involving Identity would be dispensed with entirely. Perhaps even deeper underlying social issues could be solved due to wide availability of a fully customized body. You could be a pure expression of yourself.
With a Full Body Surgery, most physical traits being interchangeable or alterable would allow things to exist that otherwise wouldn't, and due to the choice being completely that of the recipient, is more morally acceptable.
Tbh, I think Full Body Surgery is more viable by that point, and even has positive social value built into it. Genome exiting is a highly negative/possibly abusive removal of human rights.
JozeffTech: 2030. wow.
What do you think about my comic? id:2762742